Earth Day Made of Rubber!

Wait you say. It's recycled so it must be good for the environment. Well maybe it is not good for our mental health! Some will argue that this is a great idea, because its is all made from recycled rubber, tires and the like. We can play baseball, on astro-turf, so we should feel ok about using re-cycled tires as mulch in our gardens. I say... "Well then we might as well rip up our lawns and replace it with Astroturf synthetic grass while we are at it. In fact why bother with nature at all?... plant rubber trees and rubber shrubs too !!"
Have we all gone nuts??? Have we all lost our minds? How lazy and artificial we are becoming as a society! Where and when does it end? Sure it's recycled - so what.... but maybe it should be recycled into something that doesn't assault what should be our respect for the natural environment and it's beauty... Make new tires with this crap not shred it and sell it for mulch! Is there any respect at all left for anything natural? - zzb [Thanks to Meggit33 for the info blow]
To: ZZ News & Satire: The DuPont Corporation decided that RUBBER MULCH is a great way to make our backyard gardens healthy. DuPont has a great history of being a great friend to the environment. Wow, the product is so great that it almost sells itself. Well, maybe some credit is due to the hardworkers in the marketing department cause this product is certainly ridiculous. Who really wants a garden overrun with rubber trees? - Meggit33
Yes it's Rubber Mulch
The product you have been waiting for being exclusively sold in Lowes home centers.
Lowes complaint # 1-800 445 6937
letters to
Lowes Co..... Inc.
1605 Curtis Bridge Rd.
Wilkesboro, NC. 28697
Rubber mulch is a product of the Nonwoven Division of E.I Dupont

<-- Rubber Mulch! Good God.. It has come to this !!
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