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Friday, April 01, 2005
Pope John Paul II - Welcome My Good and Faithful Servant
(Vatican 01JAN2004): "My words are addressed to you, the Leaders of the nations, who have the duty of promoting peace!
To you, Jurists, committed to tracing paths to peaceful agreement, preparing conventions and treaties which strengthen international legality!
To you, Teachers of the young, who on all continents work tirelessly to form consciences in the ways of understanding and dialogue!
And to you too, men and women tempted to turn to the unacceptable means of terrorism and thus compromise at its root the very cause for which you are fighting!
All of you, hear the humble appeal of the Successor of Peter who cries out: today too, at the beginning of the New Year 2004, peace remains possible. And if peace is possible, it is also a duty! - Pope John Paul II / 2004
If he seems disgusted with the human condition it's probably because he is... Thought this photo said it all... coupled with his plea on Jan 1, 2004. -- ZZB
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