Terri Schiavo's Body is Cremated
The "World's Most Covered Family Feud" might actually make it to page 2 in the mainstream meadia for the next few weeks thanks to the actvities in Rome.
BBC NEWS: "The body of the brain-damaged US woman at the heart of a long legal dispute has been cremated.Expect the Schindlers to draw more media attention in the coming weeks. Quite frankly however most people we talk to feel they have had enough saturation of death and dying to last a lifetime! -- ZZB
Terri Schiavo died in Florida on Thursday, 13 days after a feeding tube keeping her alive was disconnected." More...
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/04/terri-schiavos-body-is-cremated.html |

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