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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Photographer Loses Carmeron Diaz Case

"The photographer who took topless photos of a 19-year-old aspiring model named Cameron Diaz, then attempted to sell them back to her after she became a movie star, is facing up to six years in prison.

John Rutter was convicted yesterday in a Los Angeles court of forgery, attempted grand theft and perjury for the ?2.9m scheme involving 11-year-old photos. He is due to be sentenced on September 15.

In the meantime, Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor revoked Rutter?s bail and ordered him to jail, ruling the 42-year-old photographer is a flight risk.

?Although I wish that this unfortunate situation hadn?t occurred in the first place, I am very gratified that justice has been served,? Diaz said in a statement. She wasn?t in court to witness the verdict, which jurors reached after about four hours of deliberations."

by ZZ Staff | 7/27/2005 01:50:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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