ZZ OpenWeb Arcade Adds More Games for July 4th Weekend!

If you would like to see your high scores registered on the site, it's simple. We only need two items for you to register:
1. A user name of your choice (3 - 20 characters)
2. A valid eMail address we use ONLY to verify your registration to be sure you are not a spam bot. Under no circumstances do we spam or sell eMail addresses to other sites so don't even bother asking for a list. All user email info is protected by Nuke Sentinel v.2.3.0 so don't freak about providing an email address to register!
Have a great 4th if your are from the States, and if not, please have a great weekend and enjoy our sister site ! --- Staff at ZZ OpenWeb
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/07/zz-openweb-arcade-adds-more-games-for.html |

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