Jihad Watch: Spencer: The Forbidden Truth About Islam
Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer in FrontPage on the increasing difficulty of talking honestly about Islamic terrorism in America today:
"The Muslim terrorists are committing acts of terrorism, by their own account, because of core Islamic teachings. Saying that we are supposed to ignore that is tantamount to saying that we must ignore what the enemy tells us about himself, who he is, what he wants, and why he is fighting. Which is tantamount to saying that we should surrender. We cannot defeat an enemy we are afraid to name." - Robert Spencer'Too many people might be emotionally affected by the subject matter. … It’s too controversial to be aired at this time.”
So said a statement from CBS/Infinity Radio, declining to run a series of paid commercial announcements. What were these emotionally affecting and controversial spots advertising? Vivisection of puppies? The North American Man/Boy Love Association? The placement of religious symbols on government property?
None of the above. The rejected ads were to announce a conference, “The Radical Islamist Threat to World Peace and National Security,” sponsored by the People’s Truth Forum. I will be participating in this symposium on September 21 in Plantsville, Connecticut, along with Harvey Kushner, author of Holy War on the Home Front; Brigitte Gabriel, a former anchor for world news in the Middle East; and Laura Mansfield, an author and counter-terror analyst.
What is so frightening about this for CBS? Well, I cannot speak for the other" Read More...
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/08/jihad-watch-spencer-forbidden-truth.html |

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