I Will Rebuild With You, Mr. President
The author of this excerpt found in the Washington Post, Donna Brazile, is a Democratic political consultant, and managed Al Gore's 2000 presidential campaign. (Although obviously not very well.) Those on the far left who have a an axe to constantly grind with this President, take note. A hat tip to Donna Brazile demonstrating some class from moderate Democrats.
Contrast the accounting of her personal loss in New Orleans to the rantings of Cindy Sheehan. Note the lack of divisiveness and the call for America to come together. Moderate Democrats are better served to identify with Ms. Brazile than with the divisiveness of Cindy Sheehan.
By Donna Brazile
On Thursday night President Bush spoke to the nation from my city. I am not a Republican. I did not vote for George W. Bush -- in fact, I worked pretty hard against him in 2000 and 2004. But on Thursday night, after watching him speak from the heart, I could not have been prouder of the president and the plan he outlined to empower those who lost everything and to rebuild the Gulf Coast.
Bush called on every American to stand up and support the rebuilding of the region. He told us that New Orleans and the entire Gulf Coast would rise from the ruins stronger than before. He enunciated something that we all need to remember: This is America. We are not immune to tragedy here, but we are strong because of our industriousness, our ingenuity and, most important, because of our compassion for one another. We are a nation of rebuilders and a nation of givers. We do not give up in the face of tragedy, we stand up, and we reach out to help those who cannot stand up on their own. More...
Contrast the accounting of her personal loss in New Orleans to the rantings of Cindy Sheehan. Note the lack of divisiveness and the call for America to come together. Moderate Democrats are better served to identify with Ms. Brazile than with the divisiveness of Cindy Sheehan.
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2005/09/i-will-rebuild-with-you-mr-president.html |

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