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Friday, September 16, 2005

ScrappleFace: Mayor Nagin Blames Bush for Lower Body Count

"Mayor Nagin Blames Bush for Lower Body Count
by Scott Ott

(2005-09-12) -- New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin today blamed President George Bush for the lower-than-expected number of bodies discovered in the receding flood waters, and said it's part of a White House campaign 'to prevent black people from getting what they deserve.'

Last week, Mayor Nagin predicted that as many as 10,000 corpses would be found due to the Bush administration's slow response to the crisis, however, so far the total number of flood-related deaths is closer to 200.

'We were on track to have the most horrifying natural disaster in America's history,' said the mayor, 'but Bush knew that would generate huge compassion and lots of cash flowing to this predominantly-black community.'

The former cable TV executive said that if the death count remains in the hundreds, rather than thousands, the big question will be 'who benefits?'

'Follow the money,' said Mr. Nagin. 'Low body-count means less federal aid and less redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor black folks of my city. You don't have to be a cable guy to figure out that this benefits George Bush and his rich cronies.'" - SCott Ott / ScrappleFace
Lt. Gen. Russel Honore told CNN's "Late Edition" the death toll in New Orleans is unlikely to reach 10,000, a figure Mayor Ray Nagin had estimated based on how many people appeared to have evacuated and how many had stayed behind.

by ZZ Staff | 9/16/2005 06:53:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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