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Monday, September 05, 2005

Is Mass Depression Setting In ??

When you read this post in it's entirety it is beginning to capture both the depression, sadness, frustration and feelings of helplessness that are being felt by many Americas over this Labor Day weekend. The following self reflective post is from VikkiBabbles.com posted ONLY IN PART here. Learn why she felt compelled to post this on her blog and read how it ends.
» My Name is Viki, and I'’m an Asshole

So, I'’m sitting here, actually I was sitting outside having a cigarette, and I was thinking about why I haven't really been all that touched by the disaster wreaked by Katrina. Part of it is that I don'’t watch TV anymore, so I'’m not assaulted with constant news stories. But I've actually entertained thoughts in the last few days along the lines of "There was a mandatory evacuation, now those people who stayed are risking the lives of their rescuers. Selfish bastards." Really. I did think that. You know why? Because I'm an asshole.

So I'’m sitting there, smoking, wondering what room to pick up next, thinking about writing my Blog Day 2005 post, staring off into space, trying to make myself remember to pay the mortgage today, when my doorbell rings, and standing there is a woman who lives down the street from me. She's kind of a shy, reserved person, and we don'’t know each other well, although our kids go to the same schools and we live on the same block. She'’s got an envelope in her hand with a big Red Cross symbol on it, and I (I really am ashamed, I swear it) immediately thought, "“Oh, hell, now I've got to shell out money I don't have." See? I told you I was an asshole." -- Must Read More... and see how this ends.
Thanks for sharing and p.s. you are NOT an asshole. It's just that perhaps mass depression is beginning to set in just as it did after 9/11. The images are wearing us all down... while the rescue and recovery operations continue.

by ZZ Staff | 9/05/2005 12:23:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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