Offers of Aid to U.S. Victims ??
In the spirit of quasi unbiased reporting, one of our readers, MercutioATC (thanks) provided us this link with the following comment -- "Here's a link to supposedly-offered aid, [in response to our post below] but I believe it's completely bogus." What do you think ??? We are reserving comment but some of this seems plausible. If true, and that's a big if, why is being kept a secret?
WhatDoesItMean.Com: "Being kept from these American people also by their Military Rulers have been the uncounted offers of assistance from Nations all around the world, including: Venezuela has offered their Medical Airlift Command for the evacuation of peoples trapped in these devastated regions; Holland has offered the resources of their Public Works Ministry (and who are the acknowledged World Experts for below sea level water evacuation procedures); Russia has offered over 100,000 temporary living structures, along with Military Personal to assist their American counterparts; Iran has offered 1 Billion US Dollars in immediate assistance and guaranteed 5,000,000 barrels of oil at $35.00 US Dollars; China has offered their Military Rescue Forces (Who are acknowledged as one of the best in the world for rescuing peoples in flood ravaged areas.)
All of these offers, and more, the Military Leaders of the United States have declined, and for the their previously stated reason: “The United States Government and its People Respectfully Decline your offer of assistance and refer you to our previous State Department Bulletin (NCO:13788) in which we had stated that this remains an internal action.” " More...
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