An Islamic Call for Genocide
(LGF) At a very active Muslim forum, a “Senior Member” explains why all Jews must either submit to Islam or die, with extensive quotes from the Koran: A Muslim Call to the Israelis
If you don't think radical Islamic teachings and the mullahs are the source of the terrorist problem then just spend a moment, read the following, then go visit the site and see for yourself. [ English version is on the "Ummah" site... just to be sure every "infidel" is able to read their message and learn just how they are using Islamic teachings as their justifications for genocide !!! ]
Excerpt from Ummah.Com Forum
Would it have been possible that the best Ummah sent to mankind had not destroyed Israel long ago if we had a sincere Islamic leadership which unleashed the armed forces of the Muslim world against Israel to remove it from the face of this earth? Would this leadership have been begging for peace and 20% of Palestine knowing the Jews are cowardly and cursed, killers of prophets who Allah (swt) turned into monkeys and pigs unlike the current traitors who control our lands?
O Muslims! Resist and censor those who dare to promote that only the West Bank and Gaza are occupied and beg the kuffar to let them establish a freak entity in these areas called “Palestine”. Rebuke those who claim to speak in the name of Islam yet they prefer the UN’s resolutions over Allah’s (swt) commands. Insist that we only accept the Islamic solution which is Jihad. Insist that the agents of kuffer who rule our lands and have betrayed Allah (swt) must be removed and replaced by a single Islamic leadership for the whole Ummah which will mobilize the vast armed forces to annihilate the state of Israel and take back Palestine to be part of the Ummah once again – inshallah. MORE ---
Wait... I am sure that the folks camped out in front of the Crawford ranch believe that terrorism is really being spawned by George Bush and our US foreign policy stretching back to... perhaps forever. Please... wake up on the left. Many hardcore sites are being VERY clear that this neo-islamic religion is hell bent on exterminating the people of Israel and also any Christian that get's in their way. Peace in the Middle East will never come about until radical islamic teachings are themselves exterminated and extinguished. Bravo Tony Blair for deporting islamic hate mongers from Great Britian !! U.S. mainstream media will NEVER report this stuff.... since it doesn't meet their agenda of bashing the U.S. administration. Read and learn... and take your heads out of the sand.
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