BlogXchange.Us - A Fresh Look !
Have you visited BlogXchange.Us blog surfing portal lately? If not you should! It has a whole new look and they have added a number of interesting features to make account management painless! One interesting addition is a "Text Ad" Feature that works in place of the Banner adds that rotate at the top of most of the other blog rotation services. Very nice, professional looking and customizable. The other addition there is BlogMighty which is their sister Blog Directory. You can find some interesting sites listed there along with our ZZ OpenRing blog ring, and the ZZ OpenWeb. Check it out if you have a blog and have not joined it.
Coupling Blog Surfing Services with membership in a blog ring such as ZZ OpenRing is one easy way to amplify your free traffic using both strategies at the same time !
Coupling Blog Surfing Services with membership in a blog ring such as ZZ OpenRing is one easy way to amplify your free traffic using both strategies at the same time !
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