The undignified tyrate from Ted Kennedy and John Kerry yesterday accomplished nothing to generate a filibuster nor block the confirmation of Judge Alito to serve as a justice on the Supreme Court replacing Sandra Day-O'Connor. The Senate passed the confirmation this morning shortly after 11AM as expected which also included votes from a number of Democrats. Only one Republican voted against the confirmation. Sen. Kennedy (D-MA) especially out did himself throwing a wild, almost crazed, rant on Monday which riveled that of How-weird Dean during the Democratic Primary. At one point we thought he was going to have a stroke with his face redder than one might have expected from over indulgence at a wild party on Martha's Vinyard! We wonder if his driving was impaired at all from any micro-strokes which he might have received during his Senate floor shouting spree which was brought to a close by a succesful cloture vote on Monday at 4:30PM. Hopefully he was driving alone Monday evening and he was able to say nice things to the men with the white coats who were waiting for him in his driveway. Republicans... you gotta love this guy :)
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