Iran to be sent to Security Council
(LONDON) "Mr Straw spoke after a meeting of the five permanent council members in London. The referral is expected at a UN nuclear board meeting on Thursday.
Talks with Iran earlier in the day failed to produce a breakthrough.
President George W Bush earlier said the US and its allies would remain united in their dealings with Iran.
The permanent five - the UK, US, France, China and Russia - plus Germany, met in London on Monday night to co-ordinate their position ahead of an emergency board meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Thursday." More...
More time for the talking heads in the U.N. It appears that China and Russia agreed on the referal but don't expect any heavy duty sanctions to be imposed with the support of these two. We just can't wait to hear what lunatic President of Iran will have to say about this decision. That is if he can pull himself away from the Holocust Convention he is sponsoring.
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