US, EU Meet to Speed Iran Referral to UN
Sen. McCain appears to be taking the lead for the administration on making vocal the ensuing discourse on Iranian sanctions. Confrontation with Iran diplomatically within the perview of the Security Council now appears inevitable. We suspect Condi Rice and Sen McCain will both be front and center advising the President and informing the public of the emboldened mennace. Iran with nuclear weapons capability should be an unsettling thought not only for Israelis but for all American and Eurpopean people.
(London) "Representatives of the United States and the European Union are preparing to meet in London to look at ways of fast tracking the referral of Iran's nuclear program to the UN Security Council.
The meeting comes as Iran continues to insist it has no intention of building a nuclear bomb.
The London talks are aimed at coordinating a diplomatic assault on Iran and persuading Russia and China to support international condemnation of Tehran's nuclear activities.
Iran's Foreign Minister Hamid Reza Asefi says there is no legal basis for referring his country to the Security Council and is urging Western nations to refrain from what he says is the language of intimidation and threats.
In the United States, political consensus is building for a tough approach to Iran, with influential Republican senator John McCain saying all options must be considered.
'The military option is the last option, but cannot be taken off the table.'
President Bush says a nuclear Iran would pose a grave threat to the security of the world.
Iran has warned any sanctions imposed on it because of its disputed nuclear program could drive up world oil prices." More...
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