Saudi Surprise at Bush Oil Call
In an AlJazeera article published today, the Saudi Prince Turki al-Faisal was supposedly taken aback by President Bush's declaration that America is addicted to oil. With a clear tone of arrogance, the Saudis were upset that they were not notified by the comment in his speech before hand, as "oil is our major income earner". Pardon us, if we make it a strategic policy to become independent of your royal family!
Aljazeera.Net - Saudi surprise at Bush oil call: "'I was taken aback,' Prince Turki al-Faisal told CNN television in an interview on Sunday.
He was commenting on Bush's State of the Union speech last Tuesday in which he said America needed to end its addiction to oil.
Expressing his suprise, al-Faisal said he had brought up Saudi concerns over the speech with White House officials.
Al-Faisal had been among ambassadors watching the president's address from the floor of the US House of Representatives.
'This is something that is of serious concern to us because oil is our major income earner,' the prince said.
Saudi Arabia is the world's largest oil producer, although the US gets more of its oil imports from neighbouring Mexico and Canada." More...
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