Clinton's UAE Dealings: Hillary in Denial
This story could turn out to be a bigger problem for the Democrats than it is for the Republicans. Seems like the Clintons have more than one conflict to deal with...
[Hat tip: Gateway Pundit]
Could this be part of the reason why Democrats want an immediate vote on the UAE ports deal? It certainly helps Hillary if the story just goes away.
Bill Clinton made hundreds of thousands working for the UAE. Bill even tried to get his good friend work promoting the state owned Dubai Ports World!
Yet, Senator Hillary Clinton had the nerve to play off like the former president just had one phone conversation with the UAE. Hillary said on Thursday that:"The president, my husband, supports my position, a position that is rooted in legitimate concerns about security."
This could not be further from the truth!"I did not have relations...
...with that port company."
But, his relations with UAE top officials who pull the strings are extensive!
Here is what the media is saying to protect the favorite senator and world traveling husband:
Former President Bill Clinton coached United Arab Emirates officials on how to handle the Dubai ports controversy two weeks ago, but he didn't tell his wife about that conversation, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton disclosed Thursday.
The telephone chat between Clinton and the UAE officials, which took place while the former president was traveling in Pakistan, ended with his advising state-owned Dubai Ports World to voluntarily submit to a 45-day probe, said people familiar with the exchange.
The former president's Dubai discussion was first reported in Thursday's editions of the Financial Times.
The senator's fundraisers have tried to cash in on the popularity of her anti-Dubai Ports World stance. An e-mail sent Monday listed her recent comments and directed donors to a Web page to make "Friends of Hillary" contributions.
But that is only the tip of the sand dune for the president and his UAE dealings:
He was paid $450,000 for a recent Dubai speech, and the UAE gave at least $500,000 for his presidential library.
In November, Bill Clinton referred to the pro-U.S. Dubai government as "a role model" for the Mideast.
[Hat tip: Gateway Pundit]
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