Rebuking Islamofacism: A Clash of Civilizations
American psychologist Wafa Sultan is a one outspoken crusader for 21st Century thinking! She puts her life on the line arguing against religious radicalism in a Clash of Civilizations. Here she is on Al Jazeera television on Feb 21st 2006, blasting Islamic religious extremists for following a course that would take the world back to the Middle Ages. She leaves him speechless.
In this news clip, she puts Dr. Ibrahim Al-Khouli, renown Middle Age thinker, in his place and trust me he could not get a word in edgewise! This gal really nails the entire issue solid. It is encouraging to see that it was aired as a spot on Al-Jezeera, although we doubt the Iranian women in the previous post ever had a chance to hear it in Iran.
We sure hope Wafa wears kevlar when she is out in public! We commend her for her passion and her courage!
(Courtesy MEMERI TV ) [Hat tip: lgf]
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In this news clip, she puts Dr. Ibrahim Al-Khouli, renown Middle Age thinker, in his place and trust me he could not get a word in edgewise! This gal really nails the entire issue solid. It is encouraging to see that it was aired as a spot on Al-Jezeera, although we doubt the Iranian women in the previous post ever had a chance to hear it in Iran.
We sure hope Wafa wears kevlar when she is out in public! We commend her for her passion and her courage!
(Courtesy MEMERI TV ) [Hat tip: lgf]
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