"The Definitive RSS Guide For Bloggers" is now available at PayLoadz!
If you were wondering what on earth RSS really is, and how to get the most out of it, you might want to check out this download of a new 105 page manual, The Definitive RSS Guide for Bloggers in pdf format with included freeware in a zip packaged download. It contains a free java based RSS Reader, clear information on understanding RSS and how to use it, 151+ RSS and ATOM feed publisher links plus 144+ Feed Directory links for you to submit your Atom or RSS feed to for publishing. The pdf file is designed with embeded hot links to over 200+ rss feed submission sources! Well worth the time it saves hunting these down on the web! You won't find a more comprehensive listing of directly linked RSS Publishing Services in one location anywhere. This guide is indispensable if you are new to blogging, or if you just want a complete list of effective links to submit your RSS feeds to and help build site traffic to your site as fast as you can!! View a sample version here.
You can find the full packaged version with free software at Payloadz as well as eBay and other locations. Just Google: The Definitive RSS Guide for Bloggers
[ P.S. If you use PayPal and would like to be an authorized reseller to earn some extra dollars and offset YOUR server costs, consider joining our free OpenWeb Affiliate Program sponsored by Payloadz. Payloadz will provide you the links to add to your site or blog! That's it, easy, 100% PayPal secure, and you earn a % of any product you refer from your site deposited directly into your account thru PayPal! ]
(ZZ OpenWeb is a not-for-profit weblog support portal)
You can find the full packaged version with free software at Payloadz as well as eBay and other locations. Just Google: The Definitive RSS Guide for Bloggers
[ P.S. If you use PayPal and would like to be an authorized reseller to earn some extra dollars and offset YOUR server costs, consider joining our free OpenWeb Affiliate Program sponsored by Payloadz. Payloadz will provide you the links to add to your site or blog! That's it, easy, 100% PayPal secure, and you earn a % of any product you refer from your site deposited directly into your account thru PayPal! ]
(ZZ OpenWeb is a not-for-profit weblog support portal)
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2006/05/definitive-rss-guide-for-bloggers-is.html |

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