Fluffernutter Angers Mass. Dem. Senator
This one is for real. Not satire. Just to give you a perspective on what some deep thinking lawmakers and political leaders are struggling with this week... while N. Korea is fueling long range missiles...
Has to make one wonder... Perhaps the issue will be turned over to the Dept of Defense since the secret concoction might in fact be used as a disinformation tactic to confound North Korean officials. We won't comment on the agenda of the political party that is driving for this critical, crucial legislation in the great Commonwealth of Massachusetts. But it does seem on par with other landmark social legislation, such as Gay Marriage rights, from this bastion of leading edge social reform and perhaps this pre-occupation with Fluffernutter might in fact have some hidden significant social uses unbeknownst to the vast majority of backward heterosexuals both in rural Mass. and the other 49 states. --- ed.(BOSTON) - It's creamy, it's sweet and it's become a staple of lunch boxes for generations of New England school children.
Now, the beloved Fluffernutter sandwich, the irresistible combination of Marshmallow Fluff and peanut butter, preferably on white bread with a glass of milk handy finds itself at the center of a sticky political debate.
Sen. Jarrett Barrios was outraged that his son Nathaniel, a third-grader, was given a Fluffernutter sandwich at the King Open School in Cambridge. He said he plans to file legislation that would ban schools from offering the local delicacy more than once a week as the main meal of the day.
The Democrat said that his amendment to a bill on junk food in schools may seem 'a little silly', but that school nutrition is serious.
His proposal seemed anything but silly to Rep. Kathi-Anne Reinstein, also a Democrat whose district in Revere is near the company that has produced the marshmallow concoction for more than 80 years, Durkee-Mower Inc.
She responded with a proposal to designate the Fluffernutter the 'official sandwich of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.'
'I'm going to fight to the death for Fluff,' Reinstein said.
An aide to Barrios insisted the Senator is not anti-Fluff and even plans to co-sponsor Reinstein's bill, although he still believes schools should cut back on Fluffernutters.
'He loves Fluff as much as the next legislator,' aide Colin Durrant said.
Fluff has a long history in Massachusetts. The treat was popularized by H. Allen Durkee and Fred L. Mower, who cooked up the concoction in their kitchen at night and sold it door to door during the day." More... (AP Wire)
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2006/06/fluffernutter-angers-mass-dem-senator.html |

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