(WASHINGTON) — After the Senate voted 93-6 today against setting a timeline for withdrawal from Iraq, Massachusetts Sen. Edward M. Kennedy held a news conference to announce that his 93 colleagues are “clearly out of the mainstream of American opinion.”
Senators Kennedy and John Kerry of Massachusetts voted for the timeline, along with Democrat Senators Tom Harkin of Iowa, Barbara Boxer of California, Robert Byrd of West Virginia and Russ Feingold of Wisconsin.
“The six of us represent the heart’s cry of every red-blooded American,” said Sen. Kennedy. “We hear the voice of the people, and the people say they want immediate, unconditional withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq.”
Senator Kerry, the presumptive runner-up for the 2008 Democrat presidential nomination, criticized the legislation introduced by Republicans as a cheap stunt designed to preempt his own forthcoming Iraq pullout bill.
“I have a plan for a strategic withdrawal from Iraq,” said Sen. Kerry. “I plan to release my plan about the same time the Democratic National Committee unveils its plan for America’s future, or right after Microsoft releases its new Vista operating system, whichever comes first.”" --- as reported by satirist Scott Ott
After the news conference Sen. Kennedy rushed to the Rayburn building to meet with Rep. Nancy Pelosi to schedule a roadmap meeting to construct a strategy in order to create a plan to develop a strategy for an Iraqi pullout for the DNC right after the aformentioned plan and strategy has been decided upon in the not so distant future. Of course this would also depend on the timing of both the strategy and the plan which might be decided upon once the decision on where and when to have the roadmap meeting has been decided.
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