Al Gore: The Global Warming Movie: Fact or Political Fantasy?
(SEATTLE)"As Al Gore's fact-based horror film about global warming, 'An Inconvenient Truth,' opens today in Seattle, pundits, critics and other opining experts can't agree on what it's about -- climate change, Gore's potential presidential bid or entertainment.
Among newspaper columnists and radio talk-show hosts, early screenings of the film have provoked commentary ranging from political analyses of how it may launch Gore's bid for the presidency to those evaluating it as yet another product of Hollywood."...
...The National Review's June 5 cover story, "Scare of the Century," challenges the notion that ice caps are in a melting trend. Holman W. Jenkins Jr. of The Wall Street Journal called the movie "science fiction."
Asked whether he would see the film, President Bush answered coolly, "Doubt it," according to The Associated Press.
All the rhetoric aside, is it even a good movie?
"It's a bit slide-showish, but it's intriguing the way it's set up," said Chris Marshall, 32, a Seattle graphics designer. He watched the film at a showing Tuesday organized by TheWarrenReport, which screens films, and said it was well-put-together and intriguing.
Marshall's one disappointment was that the film included news clips and mention of Gore's loss in the 2000 presidential elections. "It seemed out of place," and made the movie more partisan than he wanted. More...
Better than X-Men III ???
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