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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

World backs off disarming Hezbollah

No surprises here! Any doubt Israel screwed the pooch on this one? That's what Olmert gets for listening to the advice of GW. We suspect this disagreement will lead to massive issues concerning the second resolution which called for disarmament, once again validating the impotence of the United Nations -- or perhaps better termed the UUN. Un-United Nations. Please... evict that damn institution off the shores of the U.S.

National Post:
WASHINGTON - The countries tasked with upholding the shaky truce in Lebanon appeared unwilling on Tuesday to force the disarmament of Hezbollah, a development that has threatened to add delays to the assembly of a massive United Nations peacekeeping force and that could ultimately set off fresh conflict in the region.

France, the United States, the UN and Lebanon itself have all refused to accept responsibility for stripping the fighters of their weapons, despite a key element of the UN resolution that calls for the group to give up its firepower and vacate southern areas of Lebanon.

by ZZ Staff | 8/16/2006 01:12:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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