Satire: ABC Drama Marks 50th Anniversary of 9/11
Time traveler Scott Ott reports on the 50th Aniversary of 9/11. Enter the time machine of satirst Scott Ott of ScrappleFace and look deeply into the future as ABC has turns it's network into a month long celebration of 9/11 as it gasps to stay alive in a ratings war dominated by Satellite Subscriber HDTV.
ScrappleFace: Dateline 2051AD:
ScrappleFace: Dateline 2051AD:
(2051-09-11) — As part of the nation’s month-long celebration of the 50th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, ABC television tonight will show an educational drama called ‘The Path from 9/11‘.
The docudrama recounts the initial resistance to global jihad mounted by the infidels of the former United States of America in the immediate aftermath of the great martyrdom operation.
But then the tide turns in favor of the budding Islamic caliphate (Allah be praised!). As memories of the 2001 attacks fade, world opinion turns against the Great Satan. Then the Great Satan turns on itself, consumed from within by a toxic combination of political ambition and cowardice masquerading as tolerance.
The Path from 9/11: A Triumph of the Will illustrates the righteousness of Usama Bin Laden’s cause, and how his unswerving commitment to jihad ensured the establishment of our glorious global Caliphate, upon which today the sun never sets.
The program begins tonight at 7 p.m., right after Chief Justice al-Zawahiri leads Sunset Prayer Live from the National Mosque and just before a very special episode of American Idol.
The Path from 9/11, includes a scholastic study guide for boys, and is required viewing for all subjects of the Islamic Republic of America.
Advanced overnight ratings indicate the show will notch a 100 share and shall win its timeslot. -- Time traveler Scott Ott / ScrappleFace
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