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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Tiger Woods Angry at Fake Nude Photos

Tiger Woods is under a bit of stress leading up to the Ryder Cup match and it has nothing to do with his golf game. Seems like Photoshop has struck again and it has Woods emotionally upset about doctored nude photos of his model wife Elin appearing in the media. Real or unreal, this controversy is sure to be played up by MSM during the tourney.

"Tiger Woods has spoken out after fake pornographic pictures of wife Elin were published on the internet and picked up by an Irish magazine and UK newspaper.

The world number one is in Ireland to play in the Ryder Cup, which starts at the K Club on Friday.

'It's unacceptable and I don't want it to detract from this event,' he said.

'It's hard to be diplomatic about this. My wife is an extension of me. We do things together and I care about her with all my heart.'

Former bikini model Elin, 26, was said to be 'upset' and 'embarrassed' by the fake pictures.

Woods added: 'I know the media can be a little bit difficult at times.

'But it's hard to be very diplomatic about this when you have so much emotion involved, when my wife is involved like this." More...

Is the entire hoopla just a case of mistaken identity? Tabloid Rabies seems to think so! Check the photos out there and on Google Images Elin Woods nude and you be the judge !!

by ZZ Staff | 9/20/2006 11:45:00 AM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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