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Saturday, November 18, 2006

Company Naming: Does Bigger Equal Better?

Strategic Name Development Product Naming Blog: "Muara Teweh points out the following today on her Education Information blog:

US Airways“If US Airways succeeds in buying Delta Air Lines, the giant that would emerge would retain the Delta name and be the largest airline in the country, with annual revenues of about $28 billion and service to 350 cities on five continents.”

Her blog post elegantly points out that in the airline business, bigger is not always better for either passengers or staff. In fact, there is much glumness out there about the merger. The Airline Bulletin has an interesting post up today entitled The Messy Mechanics of the US Airways-Delta Merger.

DeltaIn short, there is a fear that this will create an “East Coast powerhouse” that will force higher fares and employee lay-offs. US Airways and America West Airlines pilot groups picketed in Charlotte and Phoenix against the creation of a juggernaut company that some are saying will be the world’s “largest bankrupt airline.”" ...More at Strategic Name Development !!

by ZZ Staff | 11/18/2006 12:25:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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