Plutonium Found in Iran by IAEA
Democrats may have their first real test coming up very soon as this breaking story unfolds...
IAEA finds traces of plutonium in Iran :
IAEA finds traces of plutonium in Iran :
In addition there are reports coming in from Reuters that are sure to turn up the heat on the Iranian nuclear enrichment problem. It will be very interesting to see what position will be taken by the newly chosen U.S. Congress as Tehran continues to thumb it's nose at the world. Folks in Tel Aviv should feel VERY nervous...VIENNA, Austria - New traces of plutonium and enriched uranium — potential material for atomic warheads — have been found in a nuclear waste facility in
Iran, a revelation that came Tuesday as the Iranian president boasted his country's nuclear fuel program will soon be completed.
The International Atomic Energy Agency report detailing the discovery also faulted Tehran for not cooperating with the U.N. watchdog's attempts to investigate other suspicious aspects of Iran's nuclear program.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, in a two-hour news conference in Tehran, asserted the world has no choice but to "live with a nuclear Iran," although he conceded his country was "still in the first stages" of its uranium enrichment program.
So far, Tehran has been able to activate only two small experimental pilot enrichment plants that U.N. officials say have frequently broken down and have produced only small amounts of material suitable for nuclear fuel. More... Breaking...
VIENNA (Reuters) - U.N. inspectors have found traces of plutonium, of possible use in atom bombs, at an Iranian nuclear waste site as Tehran pursues a nuclear program despite the risk of sanctions, an IAEA report said on Tuesday.Oops... Just how did that plutonium get in there? Gee officer, someone must have put it there when we weren't looking. It's a set up by the West !!
The International Atomic Energy Agency report, obtained by Reuters, also said the U.N. watchdog still could not confirm Iran's nuclear intentions were entirely peaceful given its continued stonewalling of IAEA inquiries dating to 2003.
IAEA inspectors detected bits of plutonium in samples of particles of highly enriched uranium (HEU) taken earlier from containers at the Karaj atomic waste facility near Tehran. In larger amounts, plutonium and HEU can detonate atom bombs. -- More from Reuters
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