West Point vs. Air Force vs. Kerry
Funny that a banner such as this should appear at the West Point - AirForce football game last night don't you think? What? Institutions of higher learning in the military? How can that be? Makes no sense! If these students work and study hard they still find themselves with their feet on the ground in Iraq. Navy and the mid shipmen of Annapolis must really feel left out. Their feet stay aboard vessles most of the time. Don't worry guys, blabber mouth Kerry must have had flashbacks thinking about his own past point of view in Vietnam when he "botched his joke" this week? He didn't mean to leave you out. Maybe he feels the Navy and the Marines are where all the smarts are so don't feel so bad :) And those guys and gals that protect our shores... the Coast Guard... well... don't worry either... being a dummy in school and winding up in the Coast Guard must be a much better gig than Iraq. Come to think of it, there is a little place in New London Conneticut called the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. Gee... something's amiss here! Again... What's with all the institutions of higher learning in the military?

Taken by a cadet last night during the Army - Air Force game. Kerry is toast in 2008. [Hat Tip -- BlackFive]
The quote from the Cadet reads....
Kerry has demonstrated one uncanny ability... Generating solidarity in the Armed Services during a rival football game! LOL! Air Force precision bombed Army 43-7. Ouch! When is it that the Army - Navy Game is scheduled to be played? We sure don't want to miss that ! Maybe Johnny boy will make it there in time to be kicked in the ass by the Democratic (Army) Mule at half time?

Taken by a cadet last night during the Army - Air Force game. Kerry is toast in 2008. [Hat Tip -- BlackFive]
The quote from the Cadet reads....
"I'm a cadet at West Point, and tonight at our game against the Air Force Academy, a big sign emerged, and it was shown to the Corps of Cadets, who cheered wildly, and then shown to the Air Force cadets, who also cheered."
Kerry has demonstrated one uncanny ability... Generating solidarity in the Armed Services during a rival football game! LOL! Air Force precision bombed Army 43-7. Ouch! When is it that the Army - Navy Game is scheduled to be played? We sure don't want to miss that ! Maybe Johnny boy will make it there in time to be kicked in the ass by the Democratic (Army) Mule at half time?
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2006/11/west-point-vs-air-force-vs-kerry.html |

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