Satire: Kerry Sorry Education Remark Offended Iraqis
If we don't preface this by saying the word satire, some people's nose may get bent out of joint. We publish it here since the only real apology from the Foot in Mouth specialist has been an apology that he can't read a supposedly scripted joke properly, at least up until today.
Scott Ott makes light of this peculiar turn of events as Republicans make feeble attempts to capitalize on the what everyone in the country already knows. John Kerry is still in mourning over the 2004 election results. This week has provided more ammo for Hillary and Obama in the 2008 campaign, virtually solidifying the Kerry persona as anti-military. That enough for moderate Democrats with a real concern about national security to pass him over in the 2008 Primary. Way to go there Johnny boy! Nothing like shooting your self in the foot then sticking it in your mouth!
Here is Scott Ott's satirical look at a John Kerry apology that we might come to expect from the eloquent masochist. LOL
John Kerry has since added this statment aired on CNN...
Scott Ott makes light of this peculiar turn of events as Republicans make feeble attempts to capitalize on the what everyone in the country already knows. John Kerry is still in mourning over the 2004 election results. This week has provided more ammo for Hillary and Obama in the 2008 campaign, virtually solidifying the Kerry persona as anti-military. That enough for moderate Democrats with a real concern about national security to pass him over in the 2008 Primary. Way to go there Johnny boy! Nothing like shooting your self in the foot then sticking it in your mouth!
Here is Scott Ott's satirical look at a John Kerry apology that we might come to expect from the eloquent masochist. LOL
(2006-11-01) — Sen. John F. Kerry, the 2004 Democrat presidential nominee, today finally retracted remarks he made about the intellectual abilities of U.S. troops and issued a formal apology to the people he offended.
In comments before students in California Monday, Sen. Kerry had said, “You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”
“I withdraw that statement and ask the New York Times that it be stricken from the paper of record,” Sen. Kerry said. “The implication that somehow getting sent to Iraq is punishment for kids who don’t study, or aren’t too bright, was offensive to the fine citizens of that once-great nation, and I’m sorry.”
The decorated Vietnam war veteran added, “Let me make this crystal clear, as crystal clear as I can make it: It’s not the fault of the Iraqis that your country has become purgatory for our bad students. I hope everyone — Sunni, Shia and freedom-fighting insurgent alike — will find it in his heart to forgive me.”
-- Scott Ott / ScrappleFace
John Kerry has since added this statment aired on CNN...
"I sincerely regret that my words were misinterpreted to wrongly imply anything negative about those in uniform, and I personally apologize to any service member, family member, or American who was offended," he said in a written statement.Any wonder why he was called the Flip Flop man in 2004? John, do your fellow Democrats a favor and just keep your mouth shut. You don't hear anything of substance from the other great minds on the left like Al Sharpton, Dennis Kucinich, Ted Kennedy or Howard Dean with only a few days to go in the campaign now do you? They know better! Senators Clinton and Obama are both having a good laugh.
"As a combat veteran, I want to make it clear to anyone in uniform and to their loved ones: My poorly stated joke at a rally was not about, and [was] never intended to refer to any troop," he said.
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