Saddam's Path to the Gallows

No vestal virgins where he's going this weekend...
To the Iraqi Kurds that lost loved ones to mass graves, gassing and torture at the hands of the depraved Hussein regime, we can only hope this weekend brings some sense of closure and not another wave of death and destruction in a land that has now been given back to YOU the people at the expense of foreign blood. Given back by a handful of Western Nations that had the courage to act while your "moderate" Arab neighbors stood in the shadows, watched your suffering and did virtually nothing for years. Oh yes, give them special thanks this weekend and to the U.N. which prevented allied forces from finishing the job at then end of the 1st Gulf War after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Allowing Saddam to laugh all the way back to Baghdad, and take out his vengeance on those that opposed him while the world looked on in horror and impotence.
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