Bush Plans Tribute to Iran’s Nuke Day
ScrappleFace » Bush Mulls Gift for Ahmadinejad on Iran’s Nuke Day:
(2007-04-09) — U.S. President George Bush, an inveterate last-minute shopper, reportedly still seeks “just the right gift” for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to celebrate Iran’s first National Nuclear Technology Day.
When asked by reporters about how Mr. Bush would personally observe Iran’s new holiday, Ms. Perino said the president will spend the day with friends at Camp David, in prayer, contemplation and quiet conversation with his National Security Adviser and other close associates.

“President Bush is asking around among those who know Ahmadinejad best, at CIA and the Pentagon, to find out what present would make the greatest impact,” said Deputy White House Press Secretary Dana Perino, “He’d like to find that special gift for that special someone that really shows how he feels.”

After dinner, she said, the president plans to show his solidarity with the Iranian leader by participating in “the ceremonial lighting of the United Nations charter.” - Scott Ott
(AP News)Ahmadinejad was attending ceremonies at the Natanz enrichment plant, where the Iranian press has speculated he will announce the installation of 3,000 centrifuges, a dramatic expansion of the program. State-run TV said only that he would announce "good nuclear news" in a speech at the ceremony.
The U.N. has imposed limited sanctions on Iran until it suspends enrichment a key process that can produce either fuel for a nuclear reactor or the basis of a warhead. The United States and its allies accuse Iran of seeking to build nuclear weapons, a claim the country denies.
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2007/04/bush-tribute-to-irans-nuke-day.html |

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