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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Imus to Face Wrath of Al Sharpton

NEW YORK (AP) -- Don Imus will appear on the Rev. Al Sharpton's radio show Monday, five days after Imus made racially charged comments on his own show about the Rutgers women's basketball team, Sharpton and MSNBC announced Sunday...

Despite Imus' scheduled appearance, Sharpton said his position was unchanged: He wants Imus fired and intends to write the Federal Communications Commission about the matter.

'Somewhere we must draw the line in what is tolerable in mainstream media,' Sharpton said Sunday. 'We cannot keep going through offending us and then apologizing and then acting like it never happened. Somewhere we've got to stop this.'

The Rev. Jesse Jackson said his RainbowPUSH Coalition plans to protest Monday in Chicago outside the offices of NBC, which owns MSNBC, over the remark Imus made last Wednesday during his show."

by ZZ Staff | 4/08/2007 10:45:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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