Cowardly Bush Fails to Show for Democrat Debate
ScrappleFace » 'Cowardly' Bush Fails to Show for Democrat Debate:
(SATIRE) — President George Bush is a 'coward' for failing to appear among the eight Democrat presidential candidates at last night’s debate at South Carolina State University, according to several top Democrat operatives.
While candidates at the debate mentioned Mr. Bush some 25 times during the 90-minute MSNBC-televised event, Mr. Bush declined to make an appearance to defend himself against their accusations.
The White House neglected, this morning, to offer a substantive reason for the president’s absence from the forum at which he, and his policies, were a main topic of discussion.
“The president is not seeking a third term,” said Acting White House Press Secretary Dana Perino. “He offers no apology to the hundreds of Democrats in the auditorium at South Carolina State, nor to the dozens of viewers watching on MSNBC.”" -- as reported by satirist Scott Ott / ScrappleFace
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