You Tube Allows Tributes to Krazy Korean
Has You Tube crossed the line??
Just check this out. How many sick puppies are there out there?? The left leaves nothing sacred when it comes to making a political point!! This is about as sick as it gets folks...
Incredibly, there are already Cho-Seung Hui "Tribute" videos on YouTube.
One of them is an excuse to rail for gun control (yes, the gun control on the VTech campus work very well, didn't it?).
But the worst one is the video which argues that it's not such a big deal--that the number of those killed "by the U.S." in Iraq is far larger. And this absurd anti-Asian one, the poster of which comments about Iraq also (and makes light of the whole VTech incident). "Me Love You Long Time." Gee, I'm sure no Asian has heard that one before. (Thanks, 2 Live Crew.) Haha, funny.
Glad to see the "American" left views everything in "perspective." (Don't hold your breath for the Media Matters folks to get on the case of these items.)
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