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Saturday, June 16, 2007

Hamas In Full Control of Gaza

The Hamas terrorist organization has successfully staged an apparent overthrow of Fatah this evening according to sources below. Israel watches as their sworn enemy is now in full control of Gaza. It appears to be just a matter of time that the civil war will spill over in earnest within the West Bank. The world is watching and can certainly anticipate the Israeli reaction upon the first suicide bombing or rocket attack into Israeli soil from Gaza. The recent shift in Israeli leadership makes it almost a foregone conclusion that the Israeli response will be swift and overwhelming unlike their botched military action in Lebanon against Hezbolah several months ago. For the region and the world... NOT GOOD!

A meticulous plan, drawn up by Hamas, the Islamic resistance movement, with tactical guidance from their Iranian mentors, was being put into action, and to devastating effect.

It was designed to defeat, once and for all, Fatah, the secular Palestinian nationalist party that talked peace with Israel. And it worked with lightning speed in a fratricidal three-day war in which at least 116 people died.

Inside the security headquarters, Abu Fadi, a Fatah intelligence officer, could hear what was happening to his colleagues. Their masked attackers had sprinted in, heedless of casualties. Their doors had been kicked down and they had been dragged outside, their arms flailing in gestures imploring mercy.

Then the black-masked gunmen bowed their heads to the dust in prayer and separated those of their foes who might live from those about to die.

The victims were killed immediately, some in front of their wives and children, said a Palestinian witness hiding in a building overlooking the scene.

The witness, who gave his name only as Amjad, got on the phone to a local reporter in Gaza and told him: “They are executing them one by one.” --- Times On Line

How will this out of control situation be contained by the moderate Arab states in the region? How can Israel be expected to contain itself if the Quassam rockets again begin to reign in on Israeli cities? How in fact could such rocket attacks NOT be considered an act of war between Palestine and Israel?

By the way... anyone hear from that useless of world organizations the U.N. lately?

by ZZ Staff | 6/16/2007 11:25:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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