Bush Meets Bobby McGee

--- [Hat Tip: C&F]
President George Bush has nothing to loose by not only commuting Scooter Libby's sentence but also pardoning him before he leaves office. It's his party that's taking a beating! To the dismay of many Republicans, the decider has the power and there is no doubt that he intends to use it as he sees fit regardless of the ramifications on the 2008 election. Like Bill Clinton, who certainly had a field day signing off on numerous pardons before he left office, there is no doubt that GW will follow in Bill's footsteps.
By the way. Here is another insightful political cartoon on the same subject. It also reflects some of the destructive perception that this decision to commute Libby's sentence has created. Politicians... a laugh a minute.

Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2007/07/bush-meets-bobby-mcgee.html |

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