Of Politics and Intelligence
The following is a letter to the editor in The Economist which was written in response to an article on Gordon Brown, Britain's new Prime Minister. It was provided to us by one of our readers. Gordon Brown speaking presumably about MI5 and the British integlligence gathering organizations resulted in this editorial response from a reader in Fairfax Va.
--- [Hat Tip: megitt33]
SIR —You note
Gordon Brown's pledge, with respect to the Iraq War, for "greater
separation, in the future, between intelligence and politics", as if
this represented a bold innovation. Though culturally lagging in many
respects, we in America surely have stolen the march in this regard.
For over six years our leadership has assiduously maintained the
separation between intelligence and politics.
Indeed, lack of the former seems to be an advantage for participation in the
latter.Bruce M. Harris
Fairfax City, Virginia
We always felt the two concepts were mutually exclusive. -- ed.
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