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Friday, July 13, 2007

Bush Poised to Ask For CIA Funding to Watch Al Qaeda Grow

Has the CIA turned into a "watch from a distance" organization? Scott Ott explores this possibility in his sarcastic piece below where the President is to ask Congress for more funding to support the role of the CIA "to watch Al-Qaeda grow". You can connect the dots yourself. One does have to wonder what kind of support we are really providing the Pakistani government to help identify and bomb the be Jesus out of these Al Qaeda camps? What evidence does the CIA really have as a foundation of their reports?

Consider this: If the evidence is credible then what has the Pakistani government been doing about it and have they been asleep at the switch all this time? Is the new report another example of internal political mis-information to be fed to Congress and the American people leading up to the election? Who can really say?

(2007-07-12) — As details of a new top-secret threat assessment begin leaking to the media through the usual intelligence community channels, President George Bush stands poised to ask Congress
for more funding to boost the CIA’s ability to watch al-Qaeda grow.

The unreleased National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) will show a resurgent al Qaeda — with training facilities, money and communication abilities not seen since 2001 — enjoying safe haven in the western tribal regions of Pakistan, a U.S. ally. While the president reportedly continues to respect the territorial integrity of Pakistan’s terrorist havens, and has no plans to violate Pakistan’s sovereignty with massive air strikes on al Qaeda training camps there, he will urge Congress to “help me reduce the surprise factor of the inevitable attacks on our soil by increasing our ability to observe the growth of our sworn enemies.”

Meanwhile, an internal White House memorandum, leaked to The Washington Post, suggests that the Bush administration abandon aggressive statements about the so-called “war on terror” and instead borrow jargon from the National Weather Service, referring to “terror watches” and “terror warnings”. A “terror watch” would indicate a high probability of attack on U.S. soil, while a “terror warning” means an attack has already happened and more might come. “Of course,” the White House memo says, “as with the violent weather watches and warnings, citizens will simply have to hunker down and hope they don’t get hurt.

After all, like the weather, you can talk about terrorism and you can see it coming from a distance, but ultimately, you can’t really do anything about it.”
--- as reorted by satirist Scott Ott / ScrappleFace
Our political infighting and incompetence will cost this country in the long run... -- zzb

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