Obama wins Politico.com Straw Poll
Is this bad news for Hillary Clinton? The Barack Obama campaign thinks so. But what exactly does this "straw poll" victory tell us about the Obama voter appeal? Politico.com website is not a bastion of centrist Democrats. From what we can tell the vast majority of the readership already had it out for Hillary Clinton months ago. The upshot is that this confirms that Obama's strategy to alienating Hillary from the far left of the Democrat political spectrum is working. Will it work where it counts? Only the primary results will show for sure.
Meanwhile the GOP is probably licking their chops over an Obama ticket. Even with Hillary as a VP running mate (although we hardly think that's probable. The reverse is more likely.)
Meanwhile the GOP is probably licking their chops over an Obama ticket. Even with Hillary as a VP running mate (although we hardly think that's probable. The reverse is more likely.)
Obama wins Politico.com Straw Poll - Politico.com: "Senator Barack Obama scored a victory among progressive activists Wednesday, winning the Politico.com Straw Poll of attendees at the Take Back America Conference in Washington.Who will save the Democrats from themselves ? Why Al Gore of course. He will undoubtedly be the wild card that will provide the most consternation in the camapign. Al Gore and Hillary Clinton on the same ticket? Lord help us all!!Obama received 29% of the 720 votes cast in the straw poll, narrowly beating out former North Carolina Senator John Edwards, and decisively knocking official front-runner Hillary Clinton into third place.
Edwards took 26% of the vote and Clinton 17%.
The poll establishes Obama and Edwards as a two-man top tier among the liberal segment of the Democratic base, said pollster Stan Greenberg, because they were also the most popular second choices for the nomination.
'If you look at this, you see Obama's [supporters'] second choice and Edwards [supporters'] second choice are each other -- in this group, the two of them form the top tier.'
Those results may indicate that a majority of the activists surveyed are looking for a choice other than Clinton.
New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson came in fourth with 9% of the vote.
Al Gore came in fifth with 8% -- although he has not said he is running and was not included in the choices on the ballot. As a write-in, he beat out four declared candidates." -- politico.com
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2007/06/obama-wins-politicocom-straw-poll.html |

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