Rove To Take Over Hillary Campaign
In the event that you missed it. Karl Rove announced today that he will resign as the chief political adviser to President Bush. Just what does this mean exactly? Well here is one satirical perspective on the resignation that might give most of you goose bumps!!
We have to mention to Scott that if Rove decides to help out the Democrats to maintain his role as leader of the "Free World" for the next eight years he would do better trying to lend a hand to Barack O'Bomb'a first. Barack seems to be in more dire need for an injection political campaign smarts than Hillary. Especially after his recent more scatter brained than usual foot-in-mouth remarks leading to a near international incident with Pakistani leader Mushaarf.
(WASHINGTON - Satire) — Karl Rove, the chief adviser to George Bush since 1993, in a new interview with the Wall Street Journal, said he would resign from the Bush administration effective August 31, to spend more time with family and to head up the presidential campaign of Democrat front runner Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY.
Mr. Rove called the move “a cold calculated decision to remain in charge of the U.S. government indefinitely.”
“I crave power,” Mr. Rove told the Journal, “and I can’t get my fix working for a lame duck president. I’ve been informally advising future President Clinton for about a year. I have a lot in common with Hillary — mostly notably the ice water that flows through our veins and the unbridled lust to rule the nation with an iron fist.”
President Bush plans to make a statement about the Rove resignation, as soon as he can find someone to tell him what to say. --- as reported by satirist Scott Ott / ScrappleFace
We have to mention to Scott that if Rove decides to help out the Democrats to maintain his role as leader of the "Free World" for the next eight years he would do better trying to lend a hand to Barack O'Bomb'a first. Barack seems to be in more dire need for an injection political campaign smarts than Hillary. Especially after his recent more scatter brained than usual foot-in-mouth remarks leading to a near international incident with Pakistani leader Mushaarf.
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