Obama Foot in Mouth Speech Ignites Anti U.S. Rally

This was a thoughtless and irresponsible statement coming out of the mouth of a high profile, up until now, serious potential Presidential candidate for the world to hear in all his pandering arrogance. He is a President wanna be who would potentially have a finger on the "red button" while clearly demonstrating very little understanding of international diplomacy. Even Kucinich is not stupid enough to make such a public comment. But you could give him a pass because if he were elected he would have already disbanded our military making the entire issue moot!
No wonder people in other nations are more concerned now than ever about the U.S. as a rogue super power. More concerned then they are with some of the so called dictatorships around the globe. Outside of covert terrorism few have the ability to annihilate the planet like we do. Nothing like a stupid comment from a strong Presidential contender to help justify their fears of an increasingly trigger happy U.S. image. What if President Putin had made such a comment!! What do you think the reaction would be from our leadership on the Hill??? What if Putin said..."We have a right to invade any neighboring country that is not co-operating with us in our hunt against murdering Chechnyan terrorists?" What if China decided that Taiwanese authorities were not "co-operating" with them and they just decided to strike subversives in Taipei unilaterally? Concider the North Korean and South Korean debacle? Turkey and Northern Iraq! What on earth can people around the world be thinking regarding the state of our American political system and the quality of our leadership in Washington when they hear a comment like this???
Thanks to this wet behind the ears novice Senator, who is frankly in way over his head in our opinion, our State Department is now forced to do damage control with the Pakistani government. Frankly we are struggling to understand how Obama will justify his irresponsible comment in light of his previous statements let alone try to understand his motivation for making it. Did he think he would be winning over the "hawkish" vote within his own party with a comment that smacks of the Bush Doctrine? A doctrine which the majority of Democrats appear to outwardly despise?? We just don't get the logic! Either he is very naive or just plain stupid and prone to shooting himself in the foot.
What a mess this Presidential Campaign is making of our foreign policy and image as a nation, the present war not withstanding. This was the last thing that President Mushaarf of Pakistan needs to be dealing with within his country... Obama clearly is NOT presidential material and he is making Hillary Clinton, (dare I say it), look like a old time veteran of international diplomacy.
From Associated Press :
Democratic US presidential hopeful Barack Obama was criticised by Pakistani officials as 'irresponsible' for saying in a policy speech last week that, if elected, he might order unilateral military strikes in the country against al-Qaeda. Following the Pakistani officials' comments, hundreds chanted anti-US slogans and burnt a US flag.
Bush administration officials had already angered Pakistanis last week by saying they would consider such strikes if intelligence warranted them.
In Miran Shah, a major town in the troubled region bordering Afghanistan, about 1,000 tribespeople condemned recent Pakistani military operations in the area and vowed to repel any US attack. 'We are able to defend ourselves. We will teach a lesson to America if it attacks us,' a local cleric, Maulvi Mohammed Roman, told the rally. More...
Our congressional leaders all seem to have their collective heads up their assess. This is often true in general but especially true during Presidential election campaigns. And with Republicans stomping their feet and walking out of Congress this past week, is there any wonder why the average American voter is fed up with ALL of them?? How can any Democrat now vote for O'bomb'a the now self proclaimed dovish-hawk, after his comments this past week? Especially if these same Democrats believe that the invasion of Iraq was not justified based on the present administration's "preemptive" reasoning?? Then again... given the theatrics... maybe American politics and the electoral process has become more about voting for your "team" rather than the individual that has the character to say and do the right things for the country regardless of political affiliation. -- ZZB
Permalink URL: http://zardozz2001.blogspot.com/2007/08/obama-foot-in-mouth-speech-ignites-anti.html |

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