The Last Jihad... Great Reading
By Zardoz Z. Bachman
I am about half way through The Last Jihad, by Joel C. Rosenberg. Although this is the prequel to The Last Days... which I plan to read next, this book is riveting! If you are looking for a fast paced, non stop action novel, that was written in the Tom Clancy style, with some interesting prophetic notions, I recommend this to you.
When you read it you will feel like you are part of the inner circle in the White House a few years after 9/11 and get a glimpse of what might have been if Sadaam was not taken out. An interesting mixture of speculation, mixed with current high probablity scenerios.
It is interesting to read since we have made our move on Iraq... I believe this was written after 9/11 but before the decisions to take Saadam out ! The timing is interesting. Check it out...
I am about half way through The Last Jihad, by Joel C. Rosenberg. Although this is the prequel to The Last Days... which I plan to read next, this book is riveting! If you are looking for a fast paced, non stop action novel, that was written in the Tom Clancy style, with some interesting prophetic notions, I recommend this to you.
When you read it you will feel like you are part of the inner circle in the White House a few years after 9/11 and get a glimpse of what might have been if Sadaam was not taken out. An interesting mixture of speculation, mixed with current high probablity scenerios.
It is interesting to read since we have made our move on Iraq... I believe this was written after 9/11 but before the decisions to take Saadam out ! The timing is interesting. Check it out...
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