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Tuesday, March 09, 2004

To Understand...

Less than a week after NASA scientists announced that data from the Mars rover Opportunity point to a wet history for the Red Planet, the Spirit rover has found additional evidence of Martian water. The twin rovers are canvassing opposite sides of the faraway planet and are encountering vastly different clues. The latest finding comes from a dark volcanic rock, nicknamed Humphrey, from Mars’s Gusev Crater.- Sarah Graham / Scientific American

While our politcians are busy fighting over who will be the next king-of-the-hill, our American genius is discovering information on the history of Mars. More in persuit of what should be our natural purpose, to explore and to in fact: Understand ! Such that matter can become aware of itself from the smallest parts to the largest and thus perhaps even understand itself! Think about it, especially those of you with an understanding of what I speak ! - zzb

by ZZ Staff | 3/09/2004 08:58:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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