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Friday, March 12, 2004

We Must Stand United as One World

BBC NEWS | Europe | Spain united in sorrow and anger
Millions took to the streets in major cities across the country in a show of strength that many people have found hard to muster since the bomb attacks.
United, they found their voice and strength of spirit to send a clear message to the perpetrators: "We all died a little inside when those bombs went off - but you will not break us. Together we are strong." -- Dominic Bailey / BBC

These terrorist bastards are the lowest form of cowards and swine scum. They are the embodiement of all that is evil and need to be eradicated even at the risk of setting off a holy war. Where are the so called Islamic "religious" leaders condemming this !!!! Why has not one Mullah raised an outcry for all of Islam to condem this barbarity !!. Fill in the blanks for yourself !

The backlash should be hard and swift if there is any link to a radical Islamic group to force the good Islamic religious leaders to join the rest of the world in putting an end to this instead of remaining in apparent silence. The rational Arab nations need to get their collective act together and take the lead at erradicating this problem or the world will wake up and see what is happening for what it might indeed really be! A clash of cultures and ideology... and yes also perhaps of religious beliefs that look upon these sorts of acts as "martydom"! While most world religions are tolerant... where is the tolerance here if indeed the people responsible for this hide behind their "religion" ? -- zzb

by ZZ Staff | 3/12/2004 07:38:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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