New York City: Fashion Shoot Slated for Israeli Barrier
New York City: Fashion Shoot Slated for Israeli Barrier: "JERUSALEM -- An Israeli fashion house plans to shoot its summer catalog at Israel's West Bank security barrier this week, the company said Monday, less than a week after troops shot dead two Palestinians protesting the network of walls, wire and ditches. " - AP / Newsday
If this is not the epitome of distaste I don't know what is. I wonder what kind of fashions they will be showing ? The lastest trend in flack jackets and gas masks ? Maybe some designer diamond studded shoulder holsters ? Has the world gone totally mad ? - zzb
If this is not the epitome of distaste I don't know what is. I wonder what kind of fashions they will be showing ? The lastest trend in flack jackets and gas masks ? Maybe some designer diamond studded shoulder holsters ? Has the world gone totally mad ? - zzb
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