Nader in La La Land
Ralph Nader says he is running for president this year because he believes both major political parties have become dominated by corporate interests who care little about the concerns of average Americans... - Jim Malone / VOA News
My prediction is that this, not so well thought out Nader bid for the White House, will not have legs. Without the umbrella of the Green Party he will not be represented on all of the state ballots ! His principles, may be sound and noble, but his thought process leaves a bit to be desired. His personal agenda, hidden or not, obviously seems to be to shift the Democratic discussion and focus further to the left. Much to the delight of the GOP ! - zzb

My prediction is that this, not so well thought out Nader bid for the White House, will not have legs. Without the umbrella of the Green Party he will not be represented on all of the state ballots ! His principles, may be sound and noble, but his thought process leaves a bit to be desired. His personal agenda, hidden or not, obviously seems to be to shift the Democratic discussion and focus further to the left. Much to the delight of the GOP ! - zzb
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