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Saturday, June 19, 2004

The Right to Bear Arms TV

The following article from the Houston Chronicle underscores a perspective that we have reached a sorry state of affairs when even defending our 2nd Amendment Right to Keep and Bear arms is forcing organizations to invest in their OWN MEDIA outlet to get the message out in order to meet election campaign soft money loopholes!

Houston Chronicle
Challenging the spirit of campaign-finance reform, the National Rifle Association has grabbed a media megaphone in an attempt to amplify its political voice.

...the NRA will start small. Its commercial-free broadcast is available nationwide to the approximately 400,000 subscribers of Sirius Satellite Radio...

On Thursday, the activist group for gun owners launched a daily three-hour news-and-talk program on satellite radio, vowing to deliver its message the same way as major television networks.

'We believe we are staking our legitimate claim as news-talk radio, providing objective commentary, news and information to the American public,' NRA President Wayne LaPierre said in the opening minutes of the broadcast. 'The great thing about the United States of America is anyone can walk out on the street corner and describe himself a journalist. This goes back to Tom Payne and the pamphleteers, and that's what we're doing.'

Federal campaign laws ban groups like the NRA from using unregulated 'soft money' to advertise for or against a candidate within 60 days of an election. But the 2002 law -- better known as McCain-Feingold -- allows media companies to report on candidates without restriction at any time.

So, as of Thursday, the NRA joined the likes of political shock talkers Rush Limbaugh and Al Franken and now says it is the media.

To bypass reforms authored by Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Russ Feingold, D-Wis., the NRA will start small. Its commercial-free broadcast is available nationwide to the approximately 400,000 subscribers of Sirius Satellite Radio"

Time to fight fire with fire so to speak. The NRA is now left with no choice but to take to the airwaves to make it's case to protect our freedoms of law abiding Americas, protecting our 2nd Amendment rights for all of us.

by ZZ Staff | 6/19/2004 06:38:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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