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Sunday, July 25, 2004

Aljazeera 'outraged' at Iraq criticism

Aljazeera.Net - Aljazeera 'outraged' at Iraq criticism: "Hoshyar Zibari accused Aljazeera, along with other Arabic language satellite channels, of 'incitement' and hiding behind media freedoms. More ..."

..."Aljazeera would have hoped that the Iraqi government would embark on its new term with initiatives to lift media restrictions, not add new ones that would certainly not be conducive to freedom of the press and expression"...

So finally a voice of reason willing to question the coverage of Aljazeera. Ironic they can be "outraged" when they are criticized by the new Iraqi leaders who see an opportunity for freedom from zealot religious domination. Democracy yes.. Taliban no.
They have been particularly upset by its coverage of anti-occupation violence and Iraqi resistance groups.But the broadcaster, which is perhaps the most influential media organisation among Iraqis, says the fact it is being attacked from all sides proves its commitment to editorial balance and fairness.
There is an attempt to report with some balance and it doesn't hurt for the west to get another perspective either ! However ... inciting ferment and perpetuating the negative news does appear to often be on their agenda (eg. showcasing beheadings) as opposed to covering the postive developments since the Iraqi liberation and giving some credit to the Americas that are their trying give the new government a leg up over radical islamic fundamentalism! --zzb

by ZZ Staff | 7/25/2004 04:17:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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