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Sunday, July 11, 2004

Save the iPod

There is a report that a bill is being considered in Congress that would make file sharing, yes even with the iPOD a crime. Upcoming musicians are the ones who suffer most from ripoffs. Congress seems to be hell bent however on stopping any technological progress in this area. Some of that progress is designed to protect the artist and the distributors. So what's up with this ?

...the INDUCE Act would create liability for any company whose product could be used to copy music without permission from the record industry...

Save the iPod: "JUNE 28, 2004: The INDUCE Act is legislation being pushed by the record industry that would allow them to file lawsuits against companies that make unrestricted music hardware or software, such as the iPod or filesharing programs. The INDUCE Act will restrict technological innovation, limit free speech, and threaten one of the most vibrant sectors of the United States economy. Instead of taking advantage of new opportunities to build new business models, the record industry is pressuring Congress to stop music sharing with more lawsuits and regulation.

Yes! The INDUCE Act would create liability for any company whose product could be used to copy music without permission from the record industry. The Electronic Frontier Foundation has published a fake legal complaint against the iPod to demonstrate the kind of liability that Apple and other companies will face under this legislation (see sidebar). More..."
There is a good chance that this is exactly the type of legislation that will find it's way to the Supreme Court for a final verdict. There is a petition being circulated to Protect the iPOD you can check it for yourself.-- zzb

by ZZ Staff | 7/11/2004 05:51:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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