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Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Aljazeera.Net - Israeli army warns of strike against Syria

Aljazeera.Net - Israeli army warns of strike against Syria"As the conflict on the Israel-Lebanon border escalates, the Israeli military has issued a blunt warning that it may launch a direct attack against Syria.The chief of the northern"More...
This one is unconfirmed. Expect to see things heat up... If Iraqi WMD is there, in Syria, this may be a way to flush it out. Recall the trucking convoys on their way to Syria observed via satellite during the months leading up to the liberation. No way for anyone to verify contents but it did get some airplay. If there were significant amounts of nerve agent ordinace in Iraq don't be surprised if it doesn't turn up in Syria. If the Israeli's feel compelled to take action in Lebanon, the world may find out sooner than later! I would not be surprised if the Security Council does not get called into session before the week is out. --zzb

by ZZ Staff | 7/20/2004 08:20:00 PM | | Link | | | AddThis Social Bookmark Button AddThis Feed Button

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